- Hello! - Thursday, January 08, 2009

So, I haven't been on here in a while, so I decided to pick back up and see what happens! So much has transpired in my life since my last entry. I mean a lot of things has happened. At any rate, all is well and I am planning to keep my focus on the Lord to make a way out of no way! I am patiently waiting as well as anticipating the mighty move of God!

I mean, WOW! It is 2009! This is the 9th day of this year! Trust and know that God has everything "sowed up" if you will!


- Random Thoughts - Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So, I'm gonna free write. So, excuse the run-ons! I'm trying to get back use to journaling and free writting!

My mind wanders, reflects on random thoughts! Thoughts, of logical, impulse and seriously untanned, THOUGHTS! From the unconscience to conscience, THOUGHTS-that try to stop, intimidate, and puzzle my current state! RANDOM THOUGHTS!

THOUGHTS concerning my life! Oh how much I pondered on this! Trying to make sense of the chaos and the cards (life situations) that I'm dealt. I try to recognize and seize the moment as the sign to reach my optimum level and fullest potential!SELF-ACTUALIZED!

When I don't feel so secure, I sink down and wonder, WHY! Throughtout all the mess, I try to sustain and regain my strength to influence others! Just to for another hit, blow, unexpected turn to know my balance off it's equalibrium!

I try to remember those catch phrases, quotes, THOUGHTS! You know, turn lemons into lemonade! Never allow the pressers to get you down! Don't give up, always keep moving on! There's so many thoughts like these that run through my head, but, yet and still, I gotta keep going on!

Moving on to my maximum level. Creatively, lyrically, at my best! I must seize the moments. Recognize my strentgths and potential.....and SOAR!

- Is it Love or Lust? - Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I often ponder over the elements of what characterizes what we call nowadays, love! I mean, although is it innately desired and an aide for healing,etc.... Love within itself has been used out of context and purpose.

Today, it amazes me to see people describe what's obscure and degrading, love! Many search high and low to get a taste of this rare fountain (love) , which leads to irrational and unfruitful lifestyles.

It was said that you can experience love more than once. It was also said that many have serial (monogamous, sp) relationships. But, it baffles me to think of the notion of whether it was love from the beginning!

People often confuse the two, therefore, conjoining them with false hopes and pretenses. It is evident that our society is very microwavable (right now driven) and not patient for the real and rare jewl (not the familiar, and often times not what's expected) that God wants to send in our lives.

Love, can stand the test of time and it is built with substance and endurance.While lust, is temporary, temporal, impulsive. It serves as self gratification and is made to fall (it won't last)! I guess it's nothing new, when we (as a society) are motivated more on materialistic things andpossessions, that we can not see that we are not defined by what we have, but by who we are!

So, the next time you are in a relationship, observe and identify your purpose, price, and productivity. If you can't see the benefits through hardships, and the main star in your relationship is sensual, then you know what you have! Be safe, and always, be cautious for you!

- Hiatus journey.... -

Well, my intentions was to be more proactive. It seems as though my life and my interest shifted on many realms.

My journey has been a very hard and difficult one. I will also add that the wilderness is very lonely and confusing. But, God, is a substainer of all minds!

I often wonder about my life and purpose. I know many will say not to, but, I can't help but to try to access and retain this all encompassed gift that resides in me! But, now I can say that things are looking up for me!

Ironically, I desire to do advocacy and motivational speaking! Once again, this was a silent thought reserved in the basement of my mind and spirit. Some how, it was revealed in a job interview, which unlocked itself from the bondage of silence! This left me ignited from then on! It's amzaing how your words have power and how affirmation from self towards self can literally unblock blindness!

Within this time, I've been receiving emails from the UK Poetry Publishing conerning my poems. I thought that it wasn't serious and that this is another version of Poetry.com, which I am a part of. Never did I consider myself to be this strong and extreme poet! The other day, I received an email saying that I was nonimated for Poetry.com's & International Library of Congress Poet Ambassdor! I'm like what? Then I thought about it, Lord, you placed this thought in me and I received it concerning advocacy and motivational speaking, and now the nomination for ambassdor for the one thing that I discredit as my ability! What an irony for me! :)

I said all of this to say to never dispise any gifts and or abilities that you have! You never know, the very thing that you think isn't your strong suit, but you can do effortlessly, could be the very thing that would serve as a catalyst towards your purpose and destiny! Who knows? (smile)

So, embrace who you are! If you don't know search within and definitely go to God, who knows all about you for guidance! Then, build on your confidence, once you have discovered your abilities! It's nothing like knowing who you are and not letting the opinions of others dictate to you of who you are and what you should be in their eyes! Their opinions doesn't matter! It's about what God says! He knows more and has set higher things for us than what we could ever imagine!


- Back Home! - Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's been a while ( a year) since my last posting, so I wanted to re-vamp my approach on here!

The things to come, information on the arts/entertainment field, and my endeavors!

Stay tuned, and keep it locked down to Dadria's Blog!

All (new or veteran) Artists, Poets, Singers, Musicians, Actors/Actresses, Models, Designers, Talent Agents, PR, etc.... Feel free to drop a line at daynikent@yahoo.com

Until Then,

Be positive, Be strong, Be Effective, and Live long!


- Waiting on the Promises! - Sunday, October 31, 2004

This day and time is very vital to whether we receieve the promises of God! Many are being stretched in so many dimensions, that the focus point begin to turn off of the promises of God!

So many times, we have heard to "stand still", "everything is going to be ALRIGHT!" Those words, becomes a cliche' that everyone has adopted to say automatically, and yet still; to the person that is given the words, feel's empty and uncertainities rise!

In everything, there's a season! However, it seems that our new season, will never show up! Well, that is, if we could only get through the current season!!!

So, people are being stretched, processed, developed, trained, and transitioning....all by God! It's funny how the things that we need to go through (for our good), isn't a bed of roses! Many have to face their past, some have to discover their purpose and walk in their destiny; while some have to prepare and be processed for the things to come!

With everything, there's a price! The simple equation,
PRICE + REWARDS= PROFIT! However, one thing that many forget is, the COST!

- The Stretching and Pressing...Preparing for the Palace! - Thursday, October 28, 2004

Hello All!
I can say that life in itself, has been trying! I noticed that many, at this time, are going through hardships and attacks! The promiseland seems to look dim. Many have yet to understand, why, life has turned in this direction! There's issues arising. Whether it be in health-illness, finances, stress, headaches/pressures, cluttered minds, and or disoriented views! The enemy has made its stand against the people of God!
It seems as if job opennings are slim; yet, debt remains high!
Therefore, leaving me asking , Why?
I know the Lord has more in store for me, but yet, my trials, comes so strong, that it try to deter me....from setting my affection on the things above, that is!

If all that isn't enough! For many of you who struggle at work! The manifestations keeps cycling each day to try only confirm your desire to leave. At home isn't any better for some, considering parents, siblings, or even spouse, inability to detect the spiritual warfare you're encountering!

- Storm, Wind, Trials, Outcomes - Thursday, September 30, 2004

As I sit here on the computer, listening to Israel Houghton's new cd, "Another Level" (cd #2).
I began to think about the times in which we as a people live in! So much is going on! For some, careers are taking off! For others, they are transitioning! While others are in the wilderness! Then some are in between transition and the wilderness! Meanwhile, some others are right there between the end of their wilderness, in order to get to their blessing, or Goshen! No matter what side of the coin you're on, know that in this season, the shaping, the molding, and the making, the purging, the PROCESS, is all for your good! I remember in the bible, it mentions in the NIV, that when you go through, the discipline of God, you feel pain! For, if you didn't go through (being disciplined, that is!), then you wouldn't know that the Father, Abba, loves you! You also wouldn't be able to understand/appreciate Him in a greater way! For our FAITH is tested and yet strengthened in these times! You are also shaped, and molded; while, on the other hand, you see what you are really made of! By the end of your trial, test, tribulation,etc., God is yet there! Just think back on the past, how far He's brought you!

I know that we grow weary sometimes, but, the word says, "don't be weary in well doing!"



Day-Day/24/Chicago Suburbs.


Music: Gospel, Colors: Purple, Black, Silver, Blue,


Myspace Page, MY Yahoo 360 Page!


Random Thoughts
Is it Love or Lust?
Hiatus journey....
Back Home!
Waiting on the Promises!
The Stretching and Pressing...Preparing for the Pa...
Storm, Wind, Trials, Outcomes
Ordinary Me, Extradinary Thoughts!


September 2004
October 2004
November 2005
March 2006
September 2008
January 2009


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